Tuesday, November 27, 2012

DTC 355 10 steps for a portfolio website


I really liked the suggestions on this website and the examples had some really great designs. After looking at them, I won't use all the 10 of the steps. I won't have a logo because I haven't really branded myself yet but I will have my name stand out on the first page. The tag line seems useful for conveying the real purpose of the website instantly.  I will obviously try to put up high quality images for the portfolio, but I'm not sure what kind of image viewer yet. I will definitely include an about me and link to a blog (although it's just academic stuff at the moment,) and a link to a contact page will be on the home screen but I don't think I'll link to my facebook. I don't think you have to be facebook friends with clients. The call to action on the first page will likely link to the portfolio, but the about me and contact links will stand out as well.

I like Ryan O'Rourke and Chikezie Ejias (Nine Lions) websites. First I liked the thumbnail on the 10 steps page but naturally, both sites are different now. I was initially drawn to the large room at the top that was designated for their name/logo. I like graphic design and that would be a cool way to show some skills on the very first page. Also, the image sets the color scheme for the rest of the page and it has a clean readable feel on both. On the new Nine Lion page, I like that the first page is just attention grabbing text/image that makes the viewer want to learn more. They are already interested before they learn anything. That also might be a dynamic way to set up a home page.



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